Ernie Kaesmodel

Service Award

Ernie Kaesmodel has resided in Prince George since 1976. Currently, he is employed by Telus and is also a history student at the University of Northern British Columbia. He has been married to his wife, Toni, for 20 years, and he has two daughters who also reside in Prince George.

The development and success of the Prince George Oral History Group is largely due to the dedication of Ernie. He was able to get a core group interested in oral history, and helped to create the group. Ernie has presented many one day workshops in which he instructs others on how to perform oral interviews, and on the value of such interviews. Recognizing the need for proper equipment, Ernie raised a substantial sum of money and acquired the equipment needed to successfully record and transcribe oral interviews. Ernie, who is a strong believer in the importance of oral history, has compiled a list of Prince George residents who should be interviewed. In addition, he has conducted many interviews himself, and he often accompanies volunteers to their first interview. Ernie has organized the transcription of numerous interviews, and has arranged the distribution of the finished material to various institutions within the community including the Prince George Public Library, College of New Caledonia Library, University of Northern British Columbia Library, and Fraser-Fort George Regional Museum.

For his enthusiasm and strong commitment to local history, Ernie Kaesmodel was presented with the Jeanne Clarke Memorial Local History Award on February 20, 2000.