Both branches of the library will be closed Monday, February 17th for the Family Day holiday. We wish everyone a safe and happy long weekend, and look forward to reopening our doors on Tuesday, February 18th at 10:00am.
Library Card Terms of Use
- Due to privacy legislation, the Cardholder is the only person who may use the Card unless signed authorization is given using the “Family/Group User Consent” form. If the “Family/Group User Consent” form has not been signed, a Parent/Legal Guardian can still access the account information for a child under 12 years of age if he/she provides proof that he/she lives at the same residence as the child and the other Parent/Legal Guardian
- Loss or theft of the Card must be reported immediately to the Library, in-person or by telephone. The Cardholder is responsible for all materials borrowed and all charges attributable to the Card before the loss or theft of the Card is reported.
- The Library reserves the right to suspend/cancel the Card in the event of a prolonged overdue bill, unreturned material, or inappropriate behaviour on the part of the Cardholder. The Card belongs to the Prince George Public Library. On cancellation of the Card, the Cardholder must immediately return the Card and all materials borrowed to the Library and pay all outstanding charges attributable to the Card. Reinstatement of borrowing privileges will be at the Library's sole discretion.
- Materials borrowed by the Cardholder must be returned by Library closing time on the due date shown. Otherwise, the Cardholder must pay all late charges, costs for replacement of lost or damaged materials, and processing fees attributable to the Card. Accounts with outstanding bills of six weeks or more may be referred to a collection agency.
- Parents/Legal Guardians are responsible for all items and charges incurred on their child’s Card until the child reaches 19 years of age.
- The Cardholder is responsible to return material in the same condition as when it was borrowed.
- Cards are renewable. The Card is only valid up to its renewal date.
- The Library is not responsible for damage caused by audio-visual materials borrowed from its collections. Customers use all audio-visual materials at their own risk and should use caution when playing such materials on their equipment.
- The Library’s BC OneCard users are subject to all the Library Cardholder Agreement - Terms and Conditions as well as Library’s limitations for OneCard users.
- The Cardholder Agreement shall govern the Cardholder's use of the Card and any subsequent library cards issued to the Cardholder by the Library for whatever reason.
For more information about library cards and borrowing materials, please visit