PG Retired Teachers' Association Education Heritage Committee

Service Award

In 1995, the Prince George Retired Teachers' Association established the Education Heritage Committee whose mission is to preserve and maintain archival material, artifacts, and photographs representing the educational history of School District No. 57. The Education Heritage Committee's four main projects are to collect artifacts and photographs, oral history accounts from retired teachers in the Central Interior of British Columbia, local newspaper articles dealing with education in the Prince George area, and prescribed British Columbian textbooks.

The Prince George Retired Teachers' Association Education Heritage Committee visits local schools and has collected and catalogued nearly 2400 items of heritage value. In addition, members of the committee have transcribed six oral histories and have compiled articles from seven different local newspapers dating from 1910 to 1919. The Education Heritage Committee's textbook collection consists of approximately 2500 books and is currently housed at the University of Northern British Columbia. Furthermore, the materials compiled by the Education Heritage Committee are available to the public for research purposes.

The Prince George Retired Teachers' Association Education Heritage Committee was awarded the Jeanne Clarke Memorial Local History Award on February 18, 2001 for their dedication and outstanding contribution to the local history of the Prince George region.