Betty Kovacic

Publication Award

Betty Kovacic was nominated for the Jeanne Clarke Memorial Local History Award for her talent in historal paintings of the Prince George community. She received the Award of Excellence at the Canadian Heart and Soil exhibit in Fort St. John for her talent in historical painting and her work with local youth in promoting awareness of history. In 1999, she received the British Columbia 2000 Community Spirit Award from the Provincial Government. This award provided funding for materials for her touring exhibition "Legacies," which illustrates the lives of 20 B.C. seniors born near the beginning of the 20th century, some of whom were pioneers, homesteaders and First Nations people. Her exhibits gave a compelling glimpse into the ways of British Columbia over the past century.

Betty Kovacic's other awards include the Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation Award which partially allowed the publication of her book and the B.C. Interior, North and Yukon Today's Woman Award, in 2000 and 2001 respectively. In addition, she received the Historica Foundation Grant in 2000 which funded her Community Legacy Project workshops for local youth.

For her portrayal of local history through her paintings, her book Legacies. Art and Stories of the Past Millennium, her exhibits and her workshops, Betty Kovacic received the Jeanne Clarke Memorial Local History Award on February 24, 2002.