Authors Patricia Klassen of Prince George and Sandra Hyslop of Kamloops received the Jeanne Clarke Local History Award for Publications for their book Lovingly Yours, Nellie, published in 2004.
Lovingly Yours, Nellie: Letters Home and Other Stories is a collection of the letters of the late Nellie Campbell, grandmother of the authors, and a long-time resident of the Ness Lake area. Mrs. Campbell was a teacher, who, along with her husband George and son Emerson, farmed, trapped, raised mink—and wrote articles for various publications.
Nellie Campbell’s correspondence, saved and passed down to family members, provides an interesting look at life in the Ness Lake area beginning in 1929. Also included are letters about life on the Canadian prairies in the 1920s and a sampling of her published articles.
For Sandra Hyslop and Pat Klassen, the publication of Lovingly Yours, Nellie involved 25 years of searching out and collecting their grandmother’s letters and articles before compiling and editing the 435 page book.