Rob Larson, Kathie Hilder, Nicola Focht

Service Award

The 2007 Jeanne Clarke Local History Award for service is presented to Rob Larson, Kathie Hilder and Nicola Focht for their work on the Regional Heritage Fair.

The heritage fair movement begins in the school classrooms where students research an area of Canadian history and present their discoveries. School heritage fairs are held and representatives are chosen to attend the regional fair held annually in May. The gathering is open to the public, allowing the students to share their projects with the community.

Since the nationally acclaimed heritage fair movement began, Rob Larson has been a driving force behind the Historica Heritage Fair Program in Prince George. Kathie Hilder joined the organization many years ago and Nicola Focht has chaired the event.

The service award is presented to the three recipients for encouraging hundreds of history students in Prince George to explore their heritage and for leading the volunteers who contribute to the success of the local Heritage Fair.