The 2023 Publication Award was bestowed to Liz Bryan for her book Adventure Roads of BC's Northwest Heartland. Although Liz Bryan wasn’t able to attend the celebration in person, her video acceptance speech shared her thanks and gratitude for the honour of winning the award. She explained, “I have been exploring BC for many years — mostly along the backroads— and finding, not only delight in the amazing scenery but also a way back into time. The history of BC unfolds along every First Nations trail and in their villages; then there are fur trading posts, gold rush roads and camps, old churches, pioneer ranchers and settlements, mines and railways, and forgotten graveyards. There is history and wonder everywhere. I hope that my books and photographs encourage people stuck in the big cities and wired into the technology of our times, to seek adventures for themselves. To put their footprints where others have long trod. Again, my thanks, and keep travelling!”